Blog Details Home Blog Details It is more than two decades since pro-democracy grassroots organizations led struggles that eventually resulted in the overthrow of many despots and tyrants in Africa. Since then, there have been some noticeable improvements in the transition to democratic governance all over the continent. This does not mean, however, that African democracies are without problems, but a truism is that the richly-blessed continent has continued to make steady progress towards institutionalizing the world’s most coveted system of governance. Democracy can only be bolstered in states where there is respect for the basic human rights. In some parts of Africa, the process seems to be suffering some iterant setbacks due to the neglect of the fundamental human rights. For instance, Cameroonians are tacitly disenfranchised as their incumbent President, Paul Biya, has done everything within his capacity to modify the constitution and remain as an everlasting monarch. The same applies to Equatorial Guinea where Tedoro Nguema is reported to be amongst the worst abusers of human rights. And the case of Yoweri Museveni remaining in power till date – as well as the recent Burundian third-term saga– are shocks to the collective growth of the continent’s democracy. Africa’s problem has been in its conception of democracy. The idea of democracy itself is viewed almost exclusively as a Western concept of which the continent now stands desperately in need. Many African statesmen presume that democratic values and practices are alien to the continent and should not be accepted. What has been consistently ignored is that democratic values have been as indigenous to Africans as they were to the ancient Greeks. The desire for representation, inclusion and participation in public affairs are universal to all humans; the difference rests on the methods of attaining these goals. Suffice it to say that the extent to which a society “democratizes” depends on its sociocultural milieu, whether it is African, Euro-American or Asian. Recent developments have shown that the democratization process can actually work in Africa. Since democracy has been firmly established in Ghana, Botswana and Mauritius – nations which have made steady progress towards deepening participatory and inclusive governance– its potency to spread into other parts of Africa had become stronger. Nigeria – Africa’s largest economy and most populous country – also joined the league of democratic African nations when the former President Goodluck Jonathan chose to strengthen the bedrock of unity and deepen the country’s democratic governance rather than subvert the electoral process or result. That proved naysayers and doubters who thought Nigeria could not have credible elections wrong. However, his sacrifice has since been forgotten – and bore no fruit – because the incumbent president, Muhammadu Buhari opted for militarised democracy instead of according power to the people. The General remains a dictator in disguise – and his public address after the #EndSARS genocide reveals the oppressor in the man. By 2023, young people in Nigeria will seek to right the wrong using their voter’s card. If their voice is not suppressed by the military, it would be because they spoke out with one voice and bore the brunt together. Their success would inspire Africa. If the largest democracy on the continent gets it right by 2023, others will. So far, only Mauritius ranks in full democracy category amongst African nations. Countries such as Benin, Botswana, Ghana, Namibia, Mauritius, Senegal and South Africa are progressively becoming beacons of political rights. All these goes to show that democracy will be institutionalized in Africa as long as selfless leaders keep emerging. The continent requires leaders that will embrace true democracy and develop the moral courage to live up to democratic expectations. A democracy premised on the principles of selflessness, nobility, tolerance, truth, equality, justice, honesty, self-control and restraint is simply what Africa requires and emerging leaders in Africa can do well to achieve it. Share Categories Popular Posts Newsletter
Blog Details Home Blog Details In commemoration of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda (KK), YALF and ILU invites you to this virtual event which would discuss his life and legacy as Zambia’s founding father, Pan-Africanist and founder of the OAU. Join us this Friday (July 9) by 3:00pm GMT on ZOOM and FACEBOOK as we aim to arrive at concrete deliverables in the form of preserved Pan-African ideals. To be a part of this event on ZOOM, please send your indication of interest to our HQ Whatsapp contact: +27 74840 2891 PLEASE PREPARE TO ATTEND THIS EVENT. Share Categories Popular Posts Newsletter
Blog Details Home Blog Details The Young African Leaders Forum (YALF) received exciting news from our comrades at the Walter Rodney Foundation (WRF) in the United States. Steps were taken to right the tragic wrong done to the family of Dr. Walter Rodney who was ruthlessly assassinated on June 13th, 1980. Reports point to the Forbes Burnham-led government as having orchestrated the murder of this great pan-African Historian – the author of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa This book changed our President’s perspective about Africa’s development since his undergraduate days. It is also the foundation for the formation of our organisation, YALF. Dr. Walter Rodney was a promising and intelligent 38 year old young man who wanted a better society characterised by Justice and Equality. He was a Scholar-Activist, who taught as a Senior Lecturer in different universities and held a series of Groundings with young people in different countries across the globe. He had the boldness to confront the political and social injustice in his time. He inspired and empowered youths intellectually – and with practical examples. Today, justice is being served. Dr. Rodney was vindicated after 41 years. Following the recent announcement in Parliament By the Attorney-General of Guyana – Anil Nandlall, Rodney’s Gravesite and Memorial will now become National Monuments managed by the Guyana National Trust (GNT). His children’s books Kofi Baadu-Out of Africa and Lakshmi-Out of India will be added to the syllabus for primary and secondary students. His seminal text, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa will be available to the University community. The government of Guyana also confirmed that Rodney’s cause of death will be amended to delete the word ‘’misadventure’’ and it will now read ‘’Death by Assassination.’’ His records would also be amended to read that Dr. Rodney was a “Professor” instead of “unemployed”. We savour this victory!!! Signed, Danny Matondo, Head of Communications, Young African Leaders Forum Share Categories Popular Posts Newsletter
Individual Development as the Pathway to African Development
Blog Details Home Blog Details Individual Development as the Pathway to African Development Man is the measure of all things. He forms the bedrock of any society, and his nature determines the state of the society. It is paramount for the individual to be developed if a nation is to achieve sustainable development. This is because without first solving the problem of the individual, it is almost impossible for any nation to develop. Individual development is the foundation of a nation’s development; and no nation will prosper if the individuals that constitute it are not developing. This fact is analogous to a machine which parts are faulty. It is obvious that the overall functioning of such machine will be hampered to the extent which depends on the role played by the faulty part. That is, if a vital part is faulty, the overall functioning of the said machine will be thoroughly weakened. Juxtaposed, this will imply that the extent to which an individual can affect a nation depends on the position occupied by such individual. It will be rare for a society to experience development if her top leadership positions are occupied by underdeveloped individuals. The reverse will be the case when leaders are developed. By individual development, I mean the moral and intellectual uprightness of an individual. Whilst the moral aspect of an individual determines his will and character, his intellectual uprightness promotes his competence via a powerful reason. With a spirited will and a power reason, an individual can be said to be developed. Unfortunately, the absence of individual development has proven to be the cause of Africa’s underdevelopment. Most African leaders lack the intellectual integrity and the moral courage to live up to expectation. They are ruled by their appetite rather than by reason. Once in power, they gradually begin to nurse the hope of staying there for life. Many African leaders impugn on the fundamental rights of the citizens and eventually become dictatorial. It is apparent that the gales of looting and corruption in the continent is as a result of the absence of character (spirited will) in leadership. A leadership that is individually developed will place the interest of the people above that of the self. It will have a proper understanding of the dynamics of the continent’s underdevelopment in a rapidly globalising world. Such leadership will put in place measures anchored on democratic tenets – in which the people chart a course of economic recovery. It will frown at corruption. This is what Africa needs. Share Popular Posts Newsletter